Together We Are ORCA.
The Alaska Off-Road Cycling Alliance unites and empowers our off-road cycling communities through communication, collaboration, education, and advocacy.
We envision an Alaska where off-road cycling creates healthy and economically vibrant communities with iconic, inclusive, and sustainable trails for all.
our goals.
ORCA serves as a single point of communication, not only for information sharing among off-road cyclists and cycling groups, but for interactions with land managers, businesses, and other partners.
ORCA helps off-road cycling groups connect around their collective interests in the state, working together on projects that benefit mulitiple commnuinites.
ORCA makes the case for why trails, pathways and winter routes are important, and is an active presence advocating for off-road cycling infrastructure at the local, state and national levels.
ORCA supports education, trainings, events and programs for youth and adults to engage with their off-road cycling peers and larger communities.
ORCA steering committee.
Together we are ORCA.
Formerly known as AMBA, (the Alaska Mountain Bike Alliance), the Alaska Off-Road Cycling Alliance (ORCA) is a group of advocates from across the state working to strengthen connections between existing mountain bike nonprofits, land managers and communities.
Our 501(c)3 off-road cycling members include Singletrack Advocates, Chugach Mountain Bike Riders, Valley Mountain Bikers and Hikers, as well as Mighty Bikes, SprocKidz, and the Arctic Bicycle Club.
For charitable donations, ORCA is fiscally sponsored by Chugach Mountain Bike Riders (CMBR). CMBR is an educational 501(c)3 dedicated to promoting and developing the sport of mountain biking in Alaska.